This Week in Band: 8/25/24

Good Evening, Band families,

This is going to be an epic week! I have a mountain of info for you, so here is an outline of the topics to be covered:

  • Open House
  • Required Paperwork reminder
  • Game Week Schedule
  • Little League Baseball parade participation
  • Booster Meeting And Washington DC Trip Information
  • Band orders and optional swag

Open House

LMHS’s Open House will take place Tuesday night, August 27, at 6 PM. However, in light of the number of rehearsal hours missed due to inclement weather, Dr. Reynolds has permitted us to proceed with our rehearsal on Tuesday night. As a result, I will not be in my classroom during Open House doing the typical Open House things. We just saved you the long walk to Building 3!

Required Paperwork

Before any student can participate in the performance on Friday or any rehearsal or performance events after Friday, we must have the signed and notarized SCPS Medical & Travel Consent Form on file for each student. This requirement is non-negotiable. This form has been available in class this past week and is available here: SCPS Medical & Travel Consent Form

Game Week Schedule

This Friday, August 30, will be our first football game performance! The schedule of events for the week leading up to the game is as follows:

  • Tuesday, 6-8:30 PM, Marching Rehearsal, Stadium
  • Thursday, 2:45-5 PM, Marching Rehearsal, North Practice Field
  • Friday, 2:45-3:45. Marching Rehearsal, North Practice Field

The Friday game day timeline will be as follows:

  • (No Pep Rally for this game)
  • 2:45-3:45 PM, Continuity Rehearsal
  • Dismiss until call time.
    • A pizza dinner will be available for students who need to remain on campus. A pre-order form will be sent out in the next couple of days.
  • 5:30 PM, Call Time
    • Call Time is when students should be in the band room lining up to check out their marching uniforms and getting changed.
  • 6:00 PM, Leadership Inspection
  • 6:15 PM, Band Inspection
    • Inspection is when student leadership checks to ensure all members have their uniforms on correctly and have the necessary materials for the evening. These materials include:
      • Instrument
      • Water jug filled with water
      • Gloves
      • Travel bag with:
        • flip folder, music, & lyre
        • poncho
        • extra pair of long black socks
  • 6:30 PM, line up outside the band room to march to the stadium
  • 6:35 PM, March to the stadium
  • 7 PM, Kickoff!
  • 8-8:30 PM, Halftime Performance!
  • 9:15-10 PM, The game ends, and we march back to the band room
  • Dismissal

Little League Baseball Parade Participation

If you have seen any news this weekend, you may be aware of the Lake Mary Little League baseball team currently vying for the World Championship this weekend. To welcome the team back from their travels and celebrate their accomplishments, the LMHS Band will perform at the parade event in Downtown Lake Mary this coming Saturday, August 31, at 10 AM. While this is an optional event, we would like to have as complete a band as possible. We will likely be seen and heard amongst the throngs of media that will surely be present to cover this event. To incentivize attendance at this event, I will be offering participation in this event as an activity that students can choose as part of their 9-Week Exam Project. The details for this event are listed below:

Little League Parade Event:

  • August 31, 2024
  • Report Time: 9:30 AM
  • Report location: Corner of Lakeview and 4th Street in Downtown Lake Mary
  • Uniform: Band Show Shirt, Blue Jeans/dark long pants
  • Parade begins: 10 AM
  • Over by 11 AM

Booster Meeting & Washington DC Trip Information Meeting

There will be a General Membership meeting of the LMHS Band Boosters on Tuesday, September 3, at 7:30 PM in the LMHS Auditorium. Part of this meeting will also feature an informational meeting for those interested in having their student participate in the Washington DC trip that will take place this coming Spring Break. A travel company representative managing the trip will be present to answer questions about the trip.

Band Accessory Orders and Swag

The band accessories that students ordered on Registration Night and in the weeks after are coming in. A portion of the items were distributed after practice last week and will continue to be distributed as they arrive. My priority is that every student gets what they need, even if they cannot pay right now. So, students will need to speak up this week to get what they need, especially our new students who were not at band camp.

Additionally, if a student wants an LMHS band hoodie or jacket, the order forms are in the band room. They are very high quality but are a little expensive. Students who earned their varsity letter last year in band may want a jacket to display their letter! These items are optional.

This is going to be an exciting week! We look forward to the practice and performance opportunities, each a unique chance to show the Lake Mary community how the Marching Rams have grown!

Marching Season…Engage!

Josh Langston