Happy Labor Day!
What a week we just had! I’m not sure I can adequately describe my pride in how the Marching Rams performed this weekend! From the football game premier to the insane amount of exposure from the Little League Parade, our students stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park…so to speak! Additionally, our students could only have performed at that level with the support of an equally impressive outing from our Band Boosters and volunteers! I am incredibly thankful to be surrounded by such enthusiastic, positive, and motivated people!
I want to bring to your attention an upcoming schedule change that I was made aware of yesterday morning. The football schedule has changed in that the game and bye week on 9/13 and 9/20 have been switched. As a result, our bye week is now 9/13, and LMHS will play at Dr. Phillips on 9/20. One of the effects of this change is that I am scheduled to be out of town on the date of the original bye week. Stay tuned for more info on how we will handle this change.
Now, to keep the energy going, here is a brief synopsis of this week’s events:
Tuesday, 9/3/24
- Leadership Meeting, 5 PM
- Rehearsal, 6 PM-8:30 PM
Thursday, 9/5/24
- Rehearsal, 2:45 PM-5 PM
- Washington DC Trip Interest Meeting & Band Booster General Meeting, 7 PM, LMHS Auditorium
- Friday’s Pizza Pre-order deadline, 8 PM
Friday, 9/6/24
- Continuity Rehearsal, 2:45-3:45 PM
- Pizza meal distribution, 4:45 PM
- Call Time, 5:30 PM
- Face paint, 5:30-5:45 PM
- Leadership Inspection, 6 PM
- Full Band Inspection, 6:15 PM
- Line up outside band room: 6:30 PM
- March to stadium: 6:35 PM
- LMHS vs. Lakeland HS, 7 PM
Supporting Info
- We will place the remainder of the drill (weather permitting) for the opener this week, so have your device ready to store your drill sheet info.
- The Washington DC Trip Interest Meeting is a crucial informational meeting for those intending to go on the trip this Spring Break. Kaleidoscope Adventures manager Joseph Hodge will be present to provide details and answer questions.
- If students want to pre-order pizza for dinner on Friday night, the link is included below. The deadline for orders is Thursday, 9/5/24, at 8 PM.
- Please let Mr. Langston know if you are still waiting to receive any part of your order for marching band accessories OR if the part you ordered did not fit you or your instrument.
- Band hoodie & jacket orders are due by Tuesday, September 10!
Important Links
- Parent Volunteer Sign-up Genius link (We are interested in training some of our new parents on how football games work!)
- SCPS Dividend Registration
- LMHS Band Amazon Wishlist
- Band Assessment Payment Link
- Band Donation Link
- Become a Band Booster
- LMHS Band Boosters Facebook Page
- LMHS Band Website
Have a great week, everyone!
Mr. Langston